Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Speaker Presentation - Rediscovering Markets for Business and Leisure Travel

In a downturn economy, it is essential for companies to think outside the box, and pursue other avenues of revenue. Recently, Mike and Taya Paige embarked upon a business trip to Dubai for one month. The objective of this initiative was multifaceted. First, Le Rêve was marketing Southern California as an elite, exclusive, luxury destination to government agencies, corporations, and prominent families in the U.A.E. Additionally, this was not a one-way fact finding mission, rather Mike and Taya Paige sought to rediscover the cross cultural exchange between the two regions which has been lost over the past nine years. Le Rêve is hoping to re-establish Middle East business and leisure travel to the U.S. which was once a staple of their summers away from the desert.

The Le Rêve marketing initiative was unique in its concept and conclusions which Mike has delivered to business representatives as well as the U. S. Dept. of Commercial Development. If you are seeking insight as to access and pull through of Middle Eastern Leisure travel markets, Mike would like to discuss sharing the Le Rêve initiative with your group.

~ It's hard to find someone with more diverse experience and talent in the travel management industry than Mike. Over the past 30 years, he has held numerous corporate positions including management training, marketing, field sales, and meetings & conventions management. He has literally traveled the globe, accomplishing everything from planning and implementing award ceremonies for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to winning awards himself for management excellence.

~ Mike's unique presentations focus on high audience take-away value resulting in improved individual and organizational performance.

~ As a speaker, Mike Paige offers key insight into two business realms that are increasingly significant for companies during this current economic situation. Mike garnered first-hand knowledge of the current perceptions in Dubai and the Middle East, and how businesses can venture into that market. Also Mike has a wealth of knowledge regarding sales and marketing for luxury products and services, and how best to create a connection with elite clientele.

~ Currently Mike and his wife Taya are the owners of Le Rêve Destination Services, which is a Destination Sales and Marketing Company specializing in establishing a cross-cultural and economic exchange by connecting affluent clients with access to luxury services, venues, and experiences. They consider this a process and one where networking, targeting, and relationship building, are a premium in terms of the High Net Worth target market they seek.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Le Rêve Announces Sales and Marketing Division

Strategic Marketing for the Future

We are all aware of and daily feeling the pressures of an economic recession. Time and again, we are seeing companies struggle to maintain their client base. Therefore, Le Rêve offers a unique and long-term strategic marketing focus, which helps businesses gain and maintain business throughout this period, and for years to come.

Le Rêve is a Destination Sales and Marketing Company specializing in establishing a cross-cultural and economic exchange by connecting affluent clients with access to luxury services, venues, and experiences. This exclusive connection between affluent travelers and the luxury services they desire, is created through a series of unique and focused marketing efforts.

Le Rêve is able to create this desirable connection through access to the high net worth clientele base combined with insightful global sales and marketing knowledge. Le Reve is committed to bringing the highest quality of both Destination design and Sales and Marketing to its clients. Our efforts and focus are based upon private consultation with our clients, in order to create a customized strategic marketing focus.